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Artistic Director


The Fetch Theatre is led by Purvin who has many years experience of directing and designing for the professional stage. He is also an internationaly renowned puppeteer and puppet maker. 


His work is visual rather than word based. He has developed, over time, a unique style of telling stories with few or no words. He is also committed to passing on his skills and passion for puppetry to all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

“I see the puppet as a magical universal figure that can unlock the mystery of the human condition. Free of the constraints of language or script, it is a silent story teller that can speak profoundly to all of us, not in our heads but in our hearts”.


Purvin studied Theatre design at Nottingham Trent University. In his final year he co-wrote, directed and designed his first production, 'Diggle and The Devil', with Game of Thrones actor Paul Kay.


When leaving college he became a mask performer with Horse and Bamboo and joined their horse-drawn tour of Scotland and Northern Ireland. On his return he became Co-artistic Director of Pentabus Theatre with Steve Johnstone and held this post for seven years .


At Pentabus he designed and produced a plethora of unforgettable touring shows and educational packages, developed large scale site-specific residencies and formed an international element to the company, creating work in India and Portugal.


This culminated in the creation of Teatro Montemuru a sister company setup to tour theatre into rural communities in Portugal.


When leaving Pentabus, he founded The Fetch Theatre. This website documents the visually stunning work he has done for us so far.


Alongside, he has continued to work as a Theatre Designer and has designed for many professional companies, including the Birmingham REP, Foursight, Black Country Touring, The Watermill, Chol Theatre and About Face.


'Thanks to theatre, I have had the opportunity to work in the wild mountains of Portugal, the flat plains of the Punjab and run workshops in the pine forests of Galilee.'  


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